Pale Face

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Facts & Trivia

  • Opens the door for fans to participate in the making.
  • Sci-fi/alien-encounter/modern Western movie.
  • Created by and written by W.D. Kilpack III.
  • Based on the award-winning novella of the same name.
  • Based in the present day.
  • Pale Face is what would happen if The X-Files and Yellowstone had a baby.
  • Will make viewers' hearts race, make them think, make them laugh ... make sure they never think of the term "pale face" the same way again.
  • Features a Native American main character.
  • Emphasizes accuracy in modern life on the Ramah Indian Reservation.
  • "Ever since my grandma told me about my Cherokee heritage, I have claimed it proudly, and taken countless opportunites to learn more about Native American culture and history." — W.D. Kilpack III
  • A wide variety of merchandise will be available for fans to enjoy.
  • A novelization will be written and published for fans to explore the story in-depth and possibly sequel novel(s).